Friday, November 1, 2019

The Responsible Parties for Samuel's Death Research Paper

The Responsible Parties for Samuel's Death - Research Paper Example The elders, who passed them by, disapproved of their actions but did nothing about it. According to the first element that was responsible for Sam’s death, the lady felt too embarrassed to warn the boys of the impending danger. The lady wanted to caution them to be careful but for fear of embarrassment that they might laugh at her she said nothing. Her embarrassment is one of the chief elements that were responsible for Samuel’s death because if she had acted immediately she could have averted a tragedy. All she did was to say -â€Å"You boys will be hurt. You will be 1 killed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Paley 356). According to Paley (355) the woman was more concerned about herself and her embarrassment, than the boys. â€Å"She wasn't afraid they'd hit her, but she was afraid of embarrassment.† Regarding the second element that was responsible for Samuel’s death, the man had pulled the emergency brake with the idea of safety in his mind. However, according to the ex planation given in the story, the actions of the man could either be morally right or wrong. Never at any point did he realize what the outcome of his actions would be.

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