Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Highly effective people have unique habits that make them to be different from others. One of the most notable habits of highly effective people is putting first things first (Covey, 2004). It is not necessary to do everything that comes your way for you to live an effective life. The people who struggle to do everything that comes along their way end up overextending themselves.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is therefore very important to have some priorities in life without having any fear of saying no to things that you do not feel like doing (Covey, 2004). A person can only live a balanced life if he or she has a habit of doing things according to priority. The habit of putting first things first is a combination of two other habits that include being in charge of your life and having a clear vision before doing anythin g (Covey, 2004). It is important for any person who wants efficiency to take control of their lives by having a mental creation of whatever they plan to do before doing it (Covey, 2004). The habit of putting first things first involves time and life management. Living an effective life also depends on a person’s purpose and values. It is important to get our priorities right in order to manage our lives in the best way possible. Highly effective people remember their priorities as they play their roles. Priorities vary from one person to another depending on what they value (Covey, 2004). People who manage their time and events depending on their priorities are said to be putting first things first. The habit of putting first things first is very broad and therefore requires an in-depth analysis for it to be fully understood (Covey, 2004). The most fundamental elements that form this habit include setting priorities, time management and adherence to personal values (Covey, 20 04). These elements are very fundamental when it comes to living a very effective, happy, fulfilling and successful life. Adults have got a lot of responsibilities and activities that range from work, family and personal lives. A person may end up not achieving anything if they do not set their priorities right (Smith, 2009). Confusion and frustration are the result s of living life without having any priorities. It is vital to set daily priorities according to your long-term objectives and plans. It is important to have some priorities when it comes to family, work and personal life. Everything in your life at a particular time may be important but some of them may not be a priority (Smith, 2009).Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is also necessary to consult your boss, family and friends for you to come up with a balanced list of priorities that does not hurt anybody. Man agers can explain your priorities at work and you will also be in a position to understand what your family and friends expect from you (Smith, 2009). The task of identifying the most important things in your life can be very difficult for a person who does not care about the expectations of other people. There are other people who depend on you and it is therefore not advisable to only focus on your personal life. In order to avoid having any problem in deciding what to do next, it is important to have a personal productivity system that will ensure that you do things according to your priorities (Smith, 2009). The most important thing in life is to pursue worthwhile goals (Covey, 2004). Setting priorities in our lives can lead to different categories of success which include spiritual success, relational success, family success, physical success and financial success (Smith, 2009). The different categories of success can not be achieved without having clear goals and priorities. S piritual priorities enable us to have a good relationship with our creator. We need strength from our Creator to overcome some of the challenges that can hinder us from living an effective life (Covey, 2004). Relational success can be achieved through taking a personal initiative to spend some time with friends. Building meaningful friendships should be our priority as we pursue relational success. Inviting people for lunch and showing them love are examples of initiatives that a person can take in order to build friendships (Smith, 2009). A married person should always set aside some time to spend with his or her family. The emotional security of your spouse and children should be a priority. It is important to look for ways of becoming a better parent, husband or wife by setting some family goals. The physical wellbeing of a person comes first before other things. It is difficult to live an effective and happy life if you are not healthy (Smith, 2009). Our physical health should b e a major priority if we desire to achieve other goals. Eating a balanced diet and working out on a regular are some the ways through which a person can demonstrate that their physical success is a priority. It is also important to note that one can not enjoy financial success without financial goals (Smith, 2009). Worthwhile financial priorities will guarantee the much needed financial security. The only way a person can live an effective life is by pursuing the most important things. Obstacles will always be on our way to success but the people who focus on their priorities become successful (Smith, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Time management is a very important factor when a person wants to live an effective life through putting first things first (Croft, 1996). It is difficult to live an effective life if you do not know how to control it. Time management helps a person to deal with the pressures of modern life. Time management involves doing the most important things within a specified period of time. Good time management does not mean doing all the tasks that come your way but being able accomplish tasks that make a difference in your life (Croft, 1996). Every person desires to take control of their work and general life but this can not be achieved without good time management. In order to live a balanced life, it is important to identify your priorities in life. It is also important to consider your personal and career goals in an effort to manage your time well (Smith, 2009). Working out goals is the first thing you should do in your attempt to improve time management. Living life without any goals shows lack of priorities in life. It is important to do things with the end in your mind. The human mind can not remember all the things that you plan do and therefore making a list helps a great deal in helping you remember all your tasks and projects (Smith, 2009). A to-do list helps you to remain focused and in control of your daily activities. A to-do list should be prepared according to the priorities of a person. Good time management is a sign of a person who works smart (Smith, 2009). It does not matter the quantity of work that a person does but what matters the most is quality. Poor time management leads to a lot of stress because a person may be forced to stay late in order to finish some tasks. It is important to set aside some time for breaks and relaxation when planning for your day. Tasks should be prioritized according to their urgency (Croft, 1996). The most urgent task should be the first on the list while the least urgent should come last on the list. Tasks that are more productive should be given the first priority when it comes to time allocation. It is not wise to spend a lot of time on activities that are less productive (Croft, 1996). Personal va lues should not be ignored when setting priorities. It is difficult to practice good time management in a very hostile environment. Worthwhile priorities are very fundamental when it comes to living a highly effective and successful life (Croft, 1996). Success does not just come but it takes a lot effort and organization to be successful. A person’s daily activities should be centered on their priorities in life.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Putting first things first ensures that no time is wasted on activities that are not beneficial (Covey, 2004). In order to take control of your life, it is important to manage your time according to your priorities. It is also important to always remember that our success depends on how we manage our life. References Covey, S. (2004). The seven habits of highly effective people personal workbook. London: Simon and Schuster. Croft, C. (1996). Time management. Melbourne: Cengage Learning EMEA Smith, G. (2009). The art of effective living. London: Trafford Publishing. This research paper on The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People was written and submitted by user J0s1e to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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