Friday, December 27, 2019

How Nurses Can Care For A Family With A Child That Suffers...

According to Jang and Whittemore (2015), â€Å"In the United States (US), 31.8% of children from 2 to 19 years of age are overweight or obese.† This statistic is very alarming because child obesity can lead to many other chronic diseases that no child should have to endure at such a young age. Fortunately, there are ways of preventing child obesity from occurring such as adequate nutrition, appropriate exercise and many others. It is important that nurses establish an open approach to communication when addressing issues related to obesity (Shepard, 2010). Open communication allows the nurse to establish a trusting relationship with the family so that the appropriate care can be given. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how nurses can care for a family with a child that suffers from obesity through three main roles which are, assessing the family and patient’s readiness to change, teaching the family and patient about nutrition, exercise and disease, and developin g a plan with the family and patient to decrease the child’s obesity. The first role that a nurse could implement when caring for a patient with childhood obesity would be, assessment of the individual and their family in a community base setting. Firstly, the nurse would want to assess the individual’s motivation to change and the family’s willingness to support this change. This is because the parental perspective and role have a significant influence on the development and management of childhood obesity (JangShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Obesity On The Health And Development Of Children And Adolescents1519 Words   |  7 PagesImpact on Health/Development Obesity has a profound impact on the health and development of children and adolescents. There are immediate and long term health risks, such as, asthma, sleep apnea, orthopedic complications, acid reflux, cardiovascular disease and insulin resistant type 2 diabetes. Severely obese adolescents can suffer serious morbidity. In fact, there are few organs systems that obesity does not affect. Of equal concern, are the teasing, discrimination, and bullying of obese adolescentsRead MoreObesity : A Disease?1223 Words   |  5 PagesEnglish 126 12 February 2017 Obesity, A Disease Per the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, more than 35 percent of American adults are obese, more than 34 percent is overweight, and 17 percent of the children from the United States are affected by obesity. Most people disregard the fact that Obesity is a known disease that affects our future and youth, but unlike most people I would rather save this human from their disease, by telling them theyRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Relatively New And Disturbing Term Essay1129 Words   |  5 PagesChildhood obesity is a relatively new and disturbing term. It is an extremely serious problem that many children in the United States face. 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Not many parents are aware of their children’s increasingRead MoreThe Importance Of Resilience For Childrens Wellbeing And Development1627 Words   |  7 Pagesaiding children’s wellbeing and development be regarding every child is a ‘unique child’, and a child who is continually learning and is able to be ‘resilient, capable, confident and self-assured’ (Department of Education, 2014, p. 6). In addition to building resilience within an EYFS setting, there is evidence to support the view that building strong links between home, early years providers and the wider community can support families by increasing assurance and engagement among parents, and encourageRead MoreThe Issue Of Childhood Obesity Essay3223 Words   |  13 PagesObesity is a health issue that we are going to discuss in this case. The target population is children are most prone to diabetes. The Center for Disease Control asserts that roughly 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and juveniles aged 2—19 years suffer from obesity. Since 1980, obesity frequency amid boys and teenagers has virtually tripled (CDC, 2012). Nurses in the present day face a significant challenge an ever growing trend in overweight and obese children, and they have more responsibilityRead MoreObesity Of North America, The Shrinking Population Of Europe1173 Words   |  5 Pagesmay have. I will address the obesity of North Ame rica, the shrinking population of Europe, and access to clean water in Asia. North America (Obesity): Obesity has been an issue that Americans have been fighting for a long time, yet it is not a problem that we have been able to completely get rid of. 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As discussed in detail in each of the books, there are steps that can be taken to increase access to health care while decreasing

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Breast Cancer Cancer And Cancer Essay - 1433 Words

Breast cancer is a carcinoma that develops due to malignant cells in the breast tissue. Cancerous cells are more likely to produce in the milk-producing ducts and the glands, ductal carcinoma, but in rare cases, breast cancer can develop in the stromal, fatty, tissues or surrounding lymph nodes, especially in the underarm (Breast Cancer). For women, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the 2nd leading cause of cancer death – behind skin cancer. While treatment or surgeries can help if the cancer is caught fast enough, sometimes it is too late. Breast Cancer takes many innocent lives each and every day. Breast Cancer has many signs, however the most common symptoms are a lump in the breast, erythema, puckering or dimpling in the breast, dermatitis, nipple discharge – especially bloody, and lymphadenitis, normally of the underarm or collarbone. Most of breast cancer’s signs can be discovered by giving oneself a breast exam – moving the pads of your fingers around your entire breast and armpit area in a circular motion from the outside to center – in the shower, in front of a mirror, or lying down and taking note of any changes (Breast Self-Exam). Like many other cancers, breast cancer is inherited. If you have had a mother, sister, or daughter with breast cancer, you are at a higher risk to be diagnosed with it as well. Some inherited genetic mutations – most commonly in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes – may also increase your risk of getting breast cancer. MostShow MoreRelatedBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1346 Words   |  6 Pagesinternational symbol for breast cancer support and awareness. Breast cancer knows neither racial boundaries nor age restrictions. Females of all ages and ethnicities can develop breast cancer and it is the leading most common cancer among women. Calling attention to this often fatal disease is important by supporting its victims, families and friends of victims, as well as raising funds for breast cancer research. Though males are not immune from developing a breast cancer, for the purposes of thisRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pagesacknowledg e the health beings of a women is quite scary knowing that in about 1 in 8 women in the U.S will develop breast cancer. By this year of 2016 going into 2017 there will approximately be 246,660 cases found. The 20th century is described to be the cancer century. One main cancer I wanted to talk about that has my full attention was breast cancer. The important ways of looking at breast cancer as a tremendous problem is because we are losing our women to this disease. Categorizing the main issues toRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer946 Words   |  4 PagesSkylar Steinman Period 6 Ms. Jobsz 12 February , 2016 Breast Cancer It is commonly known that Breast Cancer is one of the most insidious diseases that mankind has had to deal with. With the discovery of the BRCA1( BReast Cancer gene one) and BRCA2 (BReast Cancer gene two) genes, breast cancer can be detected with a great amount of certainty on a genetic level in some women and men. 40,000 women and men die of breast cancer each year. Knowing this it is very important to try to detect the mutationRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer981 Words   |  4 PagesThe Grand Rounds Research Project: Breast Cancer To hear you have breast cancer can be a very shocking thing. â€Å"Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed among women in America as of 2015† (breastcancer,2015). First step is to know what you are dealing with when your doctor believes you have cancer, you will want to know what cancer is and how your doctor can detect it. Next your doctor will go over different stages of breast cancer that will help come to a conclusionRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1530 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Cancer† is the name for a group of diseases that start in the body at the cellular level. Even though there are many different kinds of cancer, they all begin with abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. These abnormal cells lump together to form a mass of tissue or â€Å"malignant tumor†. Malignant means that it can spread to other parts of the body or Metastasize . If the breast is the origin al location of the cancer growth or malignant tumor, the tumorRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Essay1741 Words   |  7 Pages Internationally, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer related death amongst women. (CITE) Each year an estimated 1.7 million new cases are diagnosed worldwide, and more than 500,000 women will die of the disease. (CITE) According to (CITE), somewhere in the world one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 19 seconds and more than three women die of breast cancer every five minutes worldwide. (CITE) Breast cancer is a heterogeneous condition thatRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1714 Words   |  7 PagesBreast Cancer The twentieth century has often been called and known as the cancer century. The reason being is that throughout the century, there have been more than a hundred types of cancer discovered across the world. In addition to the discovery of these many cancers, there has been an enormous medical effort to fight all kinds of cancer across the world. In the early decades of the century, cancer was considered to be a fatal disease, resulting in a high number of deaths. Although manyRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1372 Words   |  6 PagesBreast Cancer Disease Overview Breast cancer is a disease in which certain cells in the breast become abnormal and multiply uncontrollably to form a tumor. Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. (Only skin cancer is more common.) About one in eight women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime. Researchers estimate that more than 230,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in U.S. women in 2015. Cancers occur when aRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer912 Words   |  4 Pagesinvasive breast cancer in their lifetime. In 2016, a projected 246,660 new cases of invasive breast cancer are estimated to be detected, along with an additional 61,000 new cases of non-invasive breast cancer. There are greater than 2.8 million women with a diagnosis of breast cancer in the United States, including women presently being treated and women who have completed treatment. Research developments over the past twenty years have ultimately alter ed the prognosis of breast cancer care. InRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1471 Words   |  6 PagesBreast cancer Introduction to Breast cancer Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer only surpassed by lung cancer. It involves a cancerous tumour located inside the breast but spreads if treatment is not administered. (Evert et al 2011) Breast cancer can be treated if diagnosed in its early stages but becomes progressively more difficult upon reaching more advancing malignant stages. Breast cancer can be confused with being a female only disease however both sexes suffer. According

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Forbidden Planet Comparison To Shakespeare free essay sample

# 8217 ; s The Tempest Essay, Research Paper On first glimpse, Forbidden Planet can easy be seen to parallel many other plants associating to engineering, nature, or both. One of the most obvious analogues is, of class, to Shakespeare? s The Tempest, the narrative of a adult male stranded on an island which he has single-handedly brought under his control through the usage of thaumaturgy. Indeed, the characters, secret plan, and lesson of Forbidden Planet mirror about precisely those of The Tempest, with the exclusion that where The Tempest employs charming, Forbidden Planet utilizes engineering. At this point, it is utile to remember one of Arthur C. Clarke? s more celebrated thoughts, which is that any engineering, when sufficiently advanced, is identical from thaumaturgy. Indeed, the engineering presented in Forbidden Planet is non meant to be understood by the audience, but instead is, for all purposes and intents, thaumaturgy. This is doubtless in portion because the engineering doesn? t exist and hence can non be explaine d to us. What is more of import, nevertheless, is that how the engineering works is irrelevant for the intent of the film, which is to entertain and to learn us a lesson about adult male? s control over the elements and over his ain technological creative activities. At this point a brief outline of the film would look to be in order, with particular attending as to how it relates to The Tempest. In The Tempest, a adult male named Prospero and his girl Miranda have been exiled to a distant island which is wholly uninhabited, salvage for an evil monster and her boy Caliban, and which is in a province of cardinal pandemonium. Using the charming powers he has cultivated all his life, Prospero bit by bit brings the forces of nature on the island under his control, and manages to somehow enslave Caliban, whose female parent has died in the meantime. ( Some of these inside informations are fuzzed because I am familiar with The Tempest merely through Marx ) . A group of crewmans is shipwrecked on the island, one of whom falls in love with Miranda, the lovely girl of Prospero. Finally, Caliban and other retainers secret plan to subvert Prospero, but are thwarted and taken back into servitude, thankful to acquire off that easy. Having summarized The Tempest, it is easy to sum up Forbidden Planet. A adult male named Dr. Morbius and his girl Altaira are stranded on a distant planet when a authorities ship lands at that place, whose commanding officer falls in love with the beautiful Altaira. The lone important difference in the two plants, other so puting, is the decision of each. Before we look at the differences at that place, nevertheless, it is necessary to look more closely at the symbolism behind each. In The Tempest, Prospero? s thaumaturgy is a symbol of engineering. It lets him chasten the island, is wholly at his bid, and even is apprehensible by those who take the clip to analyze it. Caliban represents the forces of nature, which Prospero has enslaved utilizing thaumaturgy, a.k.a. engineering. It is deserving observing here that Shakespeare perceives? nature? in the signifier of a wild, hostile environment, non as a? garden of Eden? signifier, a construct he pokes merriment at in one of the gap sce nes. Finally, nature rises up and lashes out at Prospero, but ( from what one can garner from Marx ) , his charming saves him. He so accepts Caliban back into servitude. The perfect harmoniousness is therefore achieved # 8211 ; adult male utilizing engineering to chasten nature, and making it so good that he achieves the best of both universes. Forbidden Planet teaches a different lesson, and Teachs it in two separate narratives. The first is the narrative of the Krell, a superintelligent race that rose to its extremum and so fell 2000 centuries before Dr. Morbius and his girl set pes on the planet. The Krell had achieved what they considered to be the pinnacle of engineering # 8211 ; they had left behind their physical organic structures in exchange for computing machines. Their consciousness resided in computing machines, which? projected? organic structures for them, so to talk. The perfect blending of adult male ( or animal, anyhow ) and Te chnology. They were, in fact, a version of Hardison? s? silicon animal? –they had no physical organic structures, save for a series of 1s and nothings stored someplace in the memory of a supercomputer 40 stat mis long. What the Krell had forgotten to research, nevertheless, was their ain mind. Confronted with the virtually illimitable power they had due to the nature of what they had become, all they did was booty, public violence, and otherwise prosecute in suicidal activity, so that in one twenty-four hours the full race was destroyed. In this instance, engineering in the signifier of the Krell? s supercomputer became a slave to the most basic signifier of nature–the subconscious, where cardinal emotions fury with all the rage of a physical storm. As we see, the consequences when nature controls engineering are black. The 2nd narrative is the narrative of Dr. Morbius. At the beginning, Altaira IV could easy be mistaken for Eden, albeit an waterless and alone one. While the country that the ship is in is a desert like clime, the brooding topographic point of Morbius and Alta seems climactic plenty. Deer frolick in the nearby wood, and Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelams which are usually awful slayers are petted like kitty cats. It is the tiger which is the first hint that things are traveling incorrect. An obvious symbol of nature, a tiger attacks Alta one twenty-four hours while Commander Adams is at that place. Adams rapidly uses his chargeman on the tiger, typifying the arrant laterality of engineering over nature on Altaira IV. Shortly afterwards, things start acquiring worse, and culminate in a awful onslaught by? nature? in the signifier of Morbius? s subconscious on Adams? s ship. As the secret plan unfolds, we find out that Dr. Morbius, by tampering with engineering he didn? t to the full un derstand, managed to unwittingly kill tonss of people. It is deserving observing that Morbius realizes on some degree the extent to which things have gotten out of manus when his girl pleads with him to assist the crew of the ship. His answer to her is along the lines of? I can non assist him ( Commander Adams ) every bit long as he stays so wilfully? . In short what Morbius is stating is strongly reminiscient of Frankenstein? s message, that is, ? This engineering that I am purportedly? maestro? of has gotten out of my control, and I am powerless to halt it? . Dr. Morbius is a inexorable reminder once more of what can go on when engineering is allowed to increase unbridled, to the point where human existences can no longer understand it, allow entirely command it. Ironically, Dr. Morbius himself warned against the unbridled growing of engineering by declining to let world entree to the Krell? s fantastic secrets. Alternatively, he insisted that he would distribute what pearls of wi sdom he saw tantrum, the better to maintain world from destructing itself. In the terminal, of class, the full planet was destroyed, along with several neighbouring star systems. There are several lessons to be learned from Forbidden Planet. The first is that before adult male can trust to command nature or engineering, he needs to larn to command himself, as evidenced by the catastrophe which destroyed the Krell. Second, when engineering and nature are in direct struggle, the consequences will non be good, and will likely be destructive. Third, when engineering and nature are excessively far off balance from each other, the consequences will once more be damaging. In short, Forbidden Planet is a sort of Frankenstein which is more developed and has better symbolism, which is to state that it councils the same class of action that Florman does # 8211 ; cautiousness, but non inactivity. If we allow nature to run rampant, we clearly can non last. ( This statement once more takes the premise that? nature? is a storm, non a garden of Eden. ) If we allow engineering to travel unbridled, it will finally overpower us when we least anticipate it. And if we pit the two against each other, it will destruct our full solar system. The proper class of action, so, is merely what both Florman and Morbius propose # 8211 ; proceed easy, and take into history the fact that all that is new is non needfully good.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Highly effective people have unique habits that make them to be different from others. One of the most notable habits of highly effective people is putting first things first (Covey, 2004). It is not necessary to do everything that comes your way for you to live an effective life. The people who struggle to do everything that comes along their way end up overextending themselves.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is therefore very important to have some priorities in life without having any fear of saying no to things that you do not feel like doing (Covey, 2004). A person can only live a balanced life if he or she has a habit of doing things according to priority. The habit of putting first things first is a combination of two other habits that include being in charge of your life and having a clear vision before doing anythin g (Covey, 2004). It is important for any person who wants efficiency to take control of their lives by having a mental creation of whatever they plan to do before doing it (Covey, 2004). The habit of putting first things first involves time and life management. Living an effective life also depends on a person’s purpose and values. It is important to get our priorities right in order to manage our lives in the best way possible. Highly effective people remember their priorities as they play their roles. Priorities vary from one person to another depending on what they value (Covey, 2004). People who manage their time and events depending on their priorities are said to be putting first things first. The habit of putting first things first is very broad and therefore requires an in-depth analysis for it to be fully understood (Covey, 2004). The most fundamental elements that form this habit include setting priorities, time management and adherence to personal values (Covey, 20 04). These elements are very fundamental when it comes to living a very effective, happy, fulfilling and successful life. Adults have got a lot of responsibilities and activities that range from work, family and personal lives. A person may end up not achieving anything if they do not set their priorities right (Smith, 2009). Confusion and frustration are the result s of living life without having any priorities. It is vital to set daily priorities according to your long-term objectives and plans. It is important to have some priorities when it comes to family, work and personal life. Everything in your life at a particular time may be important but some of them may not be a priority (Smith, 2009).Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is also necessary to consult your boss, family and friends for you to come up with a balanced list of priorities that does not hurt anybody. Man agers can explain your priorities at work and you will also be in a position to understand what your family and friends expect from you (Smith, 2009). The task of identifying the most important things in your life can be very difficult for a person who does not care about the expectations of other people. There are other people who depend on you and it is therefore not advisable to only focus on your personal life. In order to avoid having any problem in deciding what to do next, it is important to have a personal productivity system that will ensure that you do things according to your priorities (Smith, 2009). The most important thing in life is to pursue worthwhile goals (Covey, 2004). Setting priorities in our lives can lead to different categories of success which include spiritual success, relational success, family success, physical success and financial success (Smith, 2009). The different categories of success can not be achieved without having clear goals and priorities. S piritual priorities enable us to have a good relationship with our creator. We need strength from our Creator to overcome some of the challenges that can hinder us from living an effective life (Covey, 2004). Relational success can be achieved through taking a personal initiative to spend some time with friends. Building meaningful friendships should be our priority as we pursue relational success. Inviting people for lunch and showing them love are examples of initiatives that a person can take in order to build friendships (Smith, 2009). A married person should always set aside some time to spend with his or her family. The emotional security of your spouse and children should be a priority. It is important to look for ways of becoming a better parent, husband or wife by setting some family goals. The physical wellbeing of a person comes first before other things. It is difficult to live an effective and happy life if you are not healthy (Smith, 2009). Our physical health should b e a major priority if we desire to achieve other goals. Eating a balanced diet and working out on a regular are some the ways through which a person can demonstrate that their physical success is a priority. It is also important to note that one can not enjoy financial success without financial goals (Smith, 2009). Worthwhile financial priorities will guarantee the much needed financial security. The only way a person can live an effective life is by pursuing the most important things. Obstacles will always be on our way to success but the people who focus on their priorities become successful (Smith, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Time management is a very important factor when a person wants to live an effective life through putting first things first (Croft, 1996). It is difficult to live an effective life if you do not know how to control it. Time management helps a person to deal with the pressures of modern life. Time management involves doing the most important things within a specified period of time. Good time management does not mean doing all the tasks that come your way but being able accomplish tasks that make a difference in your life (Croft, 1996). Every person desires to take control of their work and general life but this can not be achieved without good time management. In order to live a balanced life, it is important to identify your priorities in life. It is also important to consider your personal and career goals in an effort to manage your time well (Smith, 2009). Working out goals is the first thing you should do in your attempt to improve time management. Living life without any goals shows lack of priorities in life. It is important to do things with the end in your mind. The human mind can not remember all the things that you plan do and therefore making a list helps a great deal in helping you remember all your tasks and projects (Smith, 2009). A to-do list helps you to remain focused and in control of your daily activities. A to-do list should be prepared according to the priorities of a person. Good time management is a sign of a person who works smart (Smith, 2009). It does not matter the quantity of work that a person does but what matters the most is quality. Poor time management leads to a lot of stress because a person may be forced to stay late in order to finish some tasks. It is important to set aside some time for breaks and relaxation when planning for your day. Tasks should be prioritized according to their urgency (Croft, 1996). The most urgent task should be the first on the list while the least urgent should come last on the list. Tasks that are more productive should be given the first priority when it comes to time allocation. It is not wise to spend a lot of time on activities that are less productive (Croft, 1996). Personal va lues should not be ignored when setting priorities. It is difficult to practice good time management in a very hostile environment. Worthwhile priorities are very fundamental when it comes to living a highly effective and successful life (Croft, 1996). Success does not just come but it takes a lot effort and organization to be successful. A person’s daily activities should be centered on their priorities in life.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Putting first things first ensures that no time is wasted on activities that are not beneficial (Covey, 2004). In order to take control of your life, it is important to manage your time according to your priorities. It is also important to always remember that our success depends on how we manage our life. References Covey, S. (2004). The seven habits of highly effective people personal workbook. London: Simon and Schuster. Croft, C. (1996). Time management. Melbourne: Cengage Learning EMEA Smith, G. (2009). The art of effective living. London: Trafford Publishing. This research paper on The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People was written and submitted by user J0s1e to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Accounting Cycle free essay sample

This paper seeks to prepare a training handout to help non-finance directors understand the accounting cycle. The paper starts with the definition of accounting cycle and then followed by the discussion of each step involved in the process with the cycle. The accounting cycle is a series of steps which are repeated every accounting period.   An accounting period may refer to time an interval when financial statements; hence it could be monthly or quarter or yearly. Usually it is monthly since corporations or business entities have their board meetings where management is required to provide the board members or directors an update of information on what is happening with the company and outside the company using financial reports or financial statements.  Ã‚   The   process will have to start with an identification of the transaction from the original source documents such as invoice, official receipts, checks that are cancelled, time cards and summaries, contracts, purchase invoice with requisitions slips and corresponding purchase orders if there are any. We will write a custom essay sample on Accounting Cycle or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Identify the transactions. In identifying the transaction, there is a need to determine whether the transaction is recordable or not. What will determine of what is recordable transaction is the effect of the transaction on the accounting elements which include the assets, liabilities, owners’ equity, revenues and expenses (Meigs and Meigs.1995). If indeed   the document verified warrants the recording of the transaction because the one or a combination of the accounting elements would be affected then, the accountant or the bookkeeper must extract the following information the from the documents:   the date, amount,   description or purpose of the transaction, name and address of the other parties involved if possible. Analyze the transactions. This will be followed by the analysis of the transaction where the accountant or bookkeeper will determine on which of the accounting elements are affected (Meigs and Meigs.1995). The possible effects are increase or decrease by a certain amount. Make and record the journal entries in the journals.   Make journal entries based on the transactions as analyzed.   Ã‚  Making journal entries involves making a debit or a number of debits and credit or a number of credits   and making its sure that   total debits   equal to total credits under the double entry bookkeeping system. In preparing the journal entries, it must be noted that the journal are kept in chronological order where the transactions first occurring during the month should be recorded ahead of the latter ones (Meigs and Meigs.1995). There is wisdom for doing this, since it is easier to locate and trace things when done this way and to allow regularity of recording as the accountant is expected to perform his or her functions regularly.   With the advent of computers, this chronological recording of transactions and events is encouraged if not automatic because documents, such as receipts and invoices, must come in their serial numbers as transactions are punched in into computer accounting system on a first come first served basis everyday. The journals may normally include the sales journal, purchase journal, cash receipts journal, cash payments journal and the general journal (Smartacus Corporation, 2008).   Cash transactions are recorded either in cash receipts or cash disbursements journal, while non-cash sale and purchases are recorded in the sales journal and purchase journal respectively. What cannot be recorded in the four special journals is recorded in general journal. Post to the Ledger. This process involves the transfer of journal entries or their summaries as afforded by the special journal to the general ledger. Before the transfer to the ledger, the accountant must make it sure that the total debits are equal to total credits from the journal books. Each account title is represented by a separate ledger. An accountant can never arrive at the correct ledger balances which must be derived at the end of the month also assuming again the financial statements are prepared monthly (Smartacus Corporation, 2008). Prepare the unadjusted trial balance. This is done by calculating to verify the sum of the debit and credit and to prove their equality. If the same are not in balance, there is an indication of an error along the way (Meigs and Meigs.1995). Therefore, before the accountant proceeds further, the accountant should go back and try to check the errors from identification to posting. Prepare the necessary adjustments. Adjusting entries are needed to update accounts that were originally recorded as well to recognize accrued and deferred items. This may include providing for bad debts expense from accounts receivable where collectibility is doubtful, providing for depreciation for depreciable non-current assets such as building and equipments.   Other adjustments include accruals and deferrals. Prepare adjusted trial balance. At this stage, the amounts from adjusting entries are integrated or combined to the balances from the trial balance; hence it is called, adjusted trial balances. It is best to prepare a worksheet from the unadjusted trial plus and minus and adjustments in producing the adjusted trial balance (Meigs and Meigs.1995). The worksheet should be extended to provide for income statement and balance sheet columns which must have debit and credit columns Prepare the financial statements. Preparation of the financial statements is the end products of the accounting cycle for purposes of providing information to decision makers (Smartacus Corporation, 2008). Financial statements are therefore making in proper form the data coming from the ten-column worksheet from which the adjusted trial balance and data from the income statement and balance sheet columns are found.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Review Of Escape From New York Essays - Fiction, Science Fiction

Review Of Escape From New York Essays - Fiction, Science Fiction Review Of Escape From New York In the opening sequence of John Carpenter's Escape From New York, an anonymous narrator sets the tone of desperation and hopelessness with the line once you go in, you never come out. The narrator is referring to the only rule in the maximum security prison built on Manhattan Island. The prison, which was built in 1981 as a reaction to the crime rate going up 400 percent, has no guards. It's every man for himself. The once busy streets of New York city are now nearly deserted, decayed, and run by criminals. The hell on Earth is so unbearable that some attempt to break out of the prison, on a raft, in an almost Escape From Alcatraz fashion in the opening scene. The plot thickens as a group of terrorists hijack the President's plane and crash it in New York. The President is now somewhere in the New York prison and holds an important tape containing a speech that could prevent another world war. Snake Plissken, a tough, renowned war hero and recent inmate of the prison, is the government's only hope to save the world. Snake must capture the President within 24 hours so the President can present the tape at a peace summit the next day. In exchange for his good deed, the government promises to pardon him for every crime he has ever committed. The only catch is the two capsules implanted in his head. If he doesn't complete the mission in 24 hours the capsules will explode. Along the journey, Snake meets a rainbow of characters. He runs into Cabbie, who has driven the same taxi for 30 years in New York. He represents the nostalgia of the once great Big Apple. Snake fights the evil Duke of New York to capture the President. The Duke is the typical bad guy clad in lavish gold chains and surrounded by a group of dimwitted followers. Snake befriends Brain, a timid reserved genius and Maggie, his beautiful girlfriend. Their love affair adds a humanistic touch to the cold insensitive surroundings. In the midst of escaping from the prison, Brain dies on a bridge. Maggie refuses to go on with Snake and calmly awaits her own impending death on the bridge. Dismal tragedy doesn't dominate the movie, however. Elements of humor are found in scenes such as the prisoners' song and dance rendition of the Broadway tune Everybody's Coming to New York and the recurring line mentioned to Snake by each person he meets: I thought you were dead. In addition to humor, several strong themes are found in the film. Escape From New York can be easily compared to a mythic epic journey despite Snake's anti-hero I don't give a damn qualities. The gods (the government) sends Snake on a journey to capture the President. Difficult obstacles hinder his quest. At one point, he must fight a giant with clubs (baseball bats with spikes attached) and a shield (a trashcan lid). Escape From New York can also be compared to a Western with a futuristic twist. The good guys (Snake) and the bad guys (the Duke and his gang) are clearly defined. Old fashioned pistols are replaced with explosives and machine guns. The most obvious theme, however, is its attempt to address today's social problems. If the crime rate actually rose dramatically, what would America do about it? Would they take such drastic measures and put all the misfits of society on an island to die to avoid the risk of repeat offenders? The issue of America's diminishing trust in fair honest government and its leaders is also raised. When Snake is told that the President is missing he nonchalantly says, So? Get a new one. This movie attempts to enlighten the viewer about these issues in addition to entertaining them. Many critics have complained that this movie leaves too many questions unanswered, but I find Carpenter's use your imagination approach to the movie refreshing. In the final scene, Snake asks the President how he feels about the lives lost in the attempt to rescue him (the President). The President, who is about to go the air, impatiently responds this country appreciates their sacrifice. Snake walks away dissatisfied with the President's halfhearted answer as the President plays the tape containing the important

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Political Realism and Neo-realism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Political Realism and Neo-realism - Essay Example According to the paper each one of the so called super powers of the universe employs all the available resources and forces to maintain their legendary political stature. On the other hand, developing nations, whose political and economical images still lie below the surface of the universe, also struggle to sharpen their bristle fangs to keep away the possible exploitations from the powerful states. The politically able nations, in reaction to the defensive game of the underdeveloped nations, make all efforts to curb the dependence of such ‘poor’ nations on them. This is realism in play; every state on its own, exhibiting the unending selfish nature of the political leadership. Neo-realism is just but a replica of the features of the original realism; the very eternal struggle has been structurally cocooned, both aspects portraying almost similar trends. Therefore, the slightest difference between the two has always been very invisible light for many scholars and world leaders. This study outlines that  the very concept also brought about the reconciliation among many states after the war. Today, realism has continued to guide the minds of policymakers in different states of the world. It is interesting to see how nations divide a long the lines political power; without any apparent interest on the economical wealth, following this old theory of the early 1900s. Each one of the so called super powers of the universe employs all the available resources and forces to maintain their legendary political stature.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Food and Beverage Operations Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Food and Beverage Operations Management - Essay Example As the report highlights food production systems vary in methods of preparing, cooking and serving food to generate meals served to the customer. The methods differ in terms of the actual location where food production takes place, the total time from preparation to service, number of stuff required, quantity of food produced and the level of hygiene and control. The main considerations in food production include quality of raw materials, food hygiene, minimal wastage, proper food storage, suitable preparation of every food item, employees’ compliance with handling regulations and cooking foods to the proper temperature. Food production methods include centralized distribution, sous-vide, cook-freeze, cook-chill and conventional method.This essay discusses that cook-chill method is a catering system founded regular preparation and cooking of food and subsequent chilling and storage in monitored low temperature conditions. Food is then re-heated prior to consumption. The chille d food is rejuvenated in finishing kitchens that necessitate minimum staff and low capital investment. During the process goods are brought into the kitchen store, followed by preparation and cooking, portioning, packaging, blast chilling, re-heating and eventually consumption. The cook-freeze system of production entails taking goods into the kitchen, preparing and cooking, blast freezing, blast thawing, re-heating and serving when customer orders food. Food and beverage service was customarily viewed as a delivery system.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

MARKETING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

MARKETING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION - Essay Example The first McDonalds restaurant was opened in 1940 established its image as a fast and speedy service provider. To date the restaurant is known for its fast service and convenience. McDonald’s revenue is about $ 22.8 billion with operating profits of $3.9 billion (McDonalds 2008). Today the firm has many rivals and competitors yet it has been able maintain its number one position. However, competition is building up and McDonalds does not seem to have a very bright future. It has not been able to develop a product in a decade that would appeal to the masses. Coupled with that, McDonalds entered some wrong markets where the competition already existed with full force leading the firm to close down its operations in those markets (McDonalds 2008). Also, McDonalds has been blamed for causing obesity amongst children and have been charged with lawsuits also. With the changing needs and requirements of the market, McDonalds has been able to update itself in terms of menu, environment, service and technology. With its growing customers globally, McDonalds developed its website where it interacts with its customers and gives them what they require. McDonalds has maintained a separate website for every country (McDonalds 2008). These websites have been localized in terms of menu, layout and language etc. but the color schemes and logo are the same in all the websites. Several marketing campaigns have been launched via the websites especially the ‘I’m lovin it’ in 2003 with great success. This was an essential move as the target market was moving towards the internet from the TV and promotion was becoming a challenge (Singh 1994). The websites have proved to be a great interacting medium with the customers and has enables the firm to reach their target market especially those in the age bracket of 16-24 years who are avid internet users(Chiem 2000). This interface

Friday, November 15, 2019

Impact of Language Software on Language Learning

Impact of Language Software on Language Learning Chapter one Introduction Overview In todays world, using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and its influence on various aspects of human life, have caused great development on in society and human relations, which is referred to as the information revolution. The increasing development of Information Technology (IT) in human life especially in educational environment and the its use of it have led to a new era in human life that can be called the intelligence community[E1]. Living in such a society that is progressing every day requires people who canto adapt themselves with such progression. The first step in this regard is the issue of how to make optimal use of ICT applications in general education curriculum. Because of the arrival of technology in human life, all individuals, institutions and systems in countries should be prepared for a variety of changes that are vital to progression. To be specific in education, it is not more than some decades which Educational Technology (ET) started to appear in educational system around the world. Nowadays neither students nor instructors can be regarded as the traditional ones who had simple facilities available. According to Thorne and Reinhardt (2008), â€Å"emerging literacies associated with digital media are highly relevant to their current and future lives as language users† (p. 560). Before considering the application of ET with its new concept, instructors and teachers supplied audiovisual products to improve the result of their teaching and learning materials in education. However, recent developments in the computer industry and information, multi-media, communication technologies and the[E2] emergence of local and regional inf ormation networks especially the internet put new methods and tools for designers, managers, executives, and curriculum trainers.Plenty of technologies and tools in learning and teaching process such as educational software, Personal Data Assistance (PDA), mobile and etc. requires the instructors to lead their learners toward using technology in their life at least their education. According to Bruce and Hogan (1998), â€Å"As technologies embed themselves in everyday discourse and activity, a curious thing happens. The more we look, the more they slip into the background. Despite our attention, we lose sight of the way they shape our daily lives† (p. 270). As technology becomes the normal and expected means of communication and education, Bruce and Hogan (1998) point out, important changes occur in expectations about the abilities students have to acquire to be successful language users. The interaction between instructors and learners should be so close in order to get a good and reasonable result. The more teachers update and are familiar with new technologies in teaching, the more knowledgeable and update students will be. In general, the influence of new information technologies in educational institutions (from schools to higher education) and even homes has changed the relationship between student and teacher. Thus, traditional learning paradigms are changed and users are faced with vast amounts of information and knowledge. Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) It is obvious that in these days everybody, especially school and university students, tends to use computer in their daily activities specially explosion of interest in using computers for language teaching and learning which is an interest of both language instructors and language learners. The development of CALL brought about a revolution in teaching process, as the teaching tools offered through CALL were gradually becoming more reliable. Today CALL has popularity in education specially in learning a foreign language so that language learners support it and use it as an essential part of their language learning process. However, applying CALL in teaching and learning has some weaknesses. Nowadays both English language teachers and English learners are tend to utilize computer in their methods especially its very important for English instructors to use CALL because English course book of secondary school changed from the current educational year that CALL is one of important part of it. Schools and their school districts would benefit from a the current program that assesses the English teachers’ use of technology and readiness for use of technology in their classroom, as well as their ability to utilize technology in an engaging and meaningful way for the English learners specific to their content area. One such example is the Teacher Education and Technology Planning Guide created by Learning Point Associates in November of 2004. It looks at eight key categories for the implementation of technology by pre-service teachers and colleges of education (Fulton, Glenn Valdez, 2004). Statement of the problem Informatics and computer-based communication have created a collection that originated arevolution thatis based on information industry: a revolution that itswhose focus is on accessing information, that is, searching and retrieval of information in limited time with a reasonable cost. Ultimately, it results in creating global village and the information society.In this regard, a related terminology Information Technology (IT)would be mentioned that is a key point in the revolution. According to Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, IT is the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, often in the context of a business or other enterprise. As its name indicates, in such society each organization and its staffs should be inform of what are going on in the world around and should possess the technology and be able to apply it to get such information. To remain in such society, change is essential, so as a result every organizatio n changed. Education in general and teaching English in particular is one of the many fields thathas been affected by IT and changed. At present, any society needs educated people who have the power of decision-making, people who should be able to act and communicate based on their abilities in a world of widely changing. It means knowledgeable people who are flexible and can adopt themselves to any conditions in their job that are dealing with IT. In addition, each society needs teachers who are able to apply technology in their classes.Regarding to development of technology in human life and man’s move toward technology, teachers need to adapt themselves with technology, too. To get a good and acceptable result of instruction at the end of semesters, English teachers need to update themselves by using CALL. The goal of all language teachers is to teach their students in a way that the students acquire language component and language skills. For vocabulary learning, teachers have applied and employed so many methods and ways such as; memorizing long lists of words, translating texts, making sentences with new words, and so many other ways that are known for the experts in language teaching. In Iran, English teachers have been trying several methods to teach their students English but despite great effort in teaching, they probably have not achieved success.Nowadays there are great amounts of high school students and even university students who cannot use English even a simple introduction while they past at least seven years of English instruction in guidance and high school.English language teaching experts have different beliefs about it. One of the main problems may be if for the purpose of the books that are not communicative based. [E3]In both guidance schools and high schools, English teachers require the students to memorize long list of vocabulary that were at the end of each lessons. Although the words were retained, it was not last for long time. The other main reason may be is its way of teaching grammar. English teachers teach grammar like mathematics. It means first they wrote a formula on the board and then wrote some examples and wanted the students to d o following examples that were on their books. Usually the grammar applied on the lesson reading text but it was not clear enough to make the students understand. There were so many problems that the bottom line was failing to learn English language well. After some years of graduating their high school and nowadays during the school, the students who are poor in learning English language referred to English language institutes to start to learn it better and also in a new method. Experience has shown that the students who participate in English institutes learn and apply English better than those who do not participate in such classes. Unlike schools, the way of teaching English in English institutes are totally different. First, the book which are taught in English institutes are completely different from school. Although there are different kinds of books, all of them are designed with the aim of communication and all of them are following same goal.The books which are using in English institutes are include: Happy House, Happy writing, Potato pals, Pocketsand some others for kids and beginning in starter levels.Let’s go, First friend, Family and friends which are usually forjunior levels and intermediate levels.Interchange, Touchstone, Top notch, Summit, American English file and English resultthatis usually for senior levels adult learning. It should be mentionthat all of the series have different stages.Regardless of the variety of books, in English institutes students are expected to be able to communicate at the end of each semester according to the level of the related book. The remarkable thing in such book is that these books have given considerable attention on learning words with different ways and in some casesfor better understanding of a word, presents a word with its pictures. In all kinds of books, they used kind of CALL. In most of the books, especially for kids, the publisher provides additional software according to the book for better understand of the contents. For kids, it provides some moving pictures and famous cartoon characters to teach them English alphabet or some simple words like dog, cat, ant etc. For junior, intermediate, upper intermediate and senior levels the publisher usually provide demo of the book and additional tests. Even some publishers enlist some English software and attach the software to the book. These publishersmight be believe that such technology is more attractive for language learners and it help to sell their product more. Recently, English teachers have tried to incorporate technology and the old methods of teaching English that have taught in schools, which usually was based on grammar translation method (GTM). As the researcher is going to do his research on vocabulary learning aspect of English language, he has tried to search for some software and CALL programs that their focus is on vocabulary. One of the most important parts of language learning and language usage is vocabulary and the ability of using it. English teachers have used so many different ways to teach vocabulary to English learners but they were not much success. Nowadays English teachers usemany English software to teach vocabulary, learning vocabulary in learners is better than far past but seemingly they have not achieved as success as they expected. They use some software like Oxford Picture Dictionary (OPD), Longman Children Picture dictionary,Nosrat English language teaching, demo of some English books and such software that contains language components specially vocabulary learning. Some of such English software were good at the beginning and attracted learners’ satisfaction even sometimes learners thought it was the best software that they could use but it did not last. One of the most important reasons is because the method they (English software) worked onis not like learners’ real life. Foreign language learners need to learn a newlanguage as much as their first language, which refers to acquiring it rather than learning. It means to teach vocabulary to English language learners so that they internalize in their mind and they could apply it. English language learners need to learn English the same way they leant their first language it means they should be completely surrounded by the language they are going to learn not see a translation of words or instructing. In other words, they should be in a natural immersion of language. With regard to above mentioned characteristics of teaching a language, the researcher chose choose an English software that does not have the above mentioned problems. This study is going to examine teaching vocabulary through the Rosetta Stone English software. Due to above mentioned problems of Iranian EFL learners on vocabulary learning, the researcher is going to demonstrate some words and sentences by related pictures. It is considered that the learners can mix both their auditory and visual sense in their mind so that the word would be learned. Other features of this software will explain in detail in following chapters.This research intends to investigate the impact of Rosetta Stone English software vocabulary learning in a way that the learnt material be last for long time like everybody’s first language. Significance of the study The domain of CALL in Iran is in need of moreresearch. To the researcher’s best knowledge, studiesabout computer-based instruction in Iran are not somanyespecially for research through English language learning software.In addition, there is not any research through Rosetta Stone English software at all and this is the first research in this field using this software.In Mazandaran, Mahmoudabad, it is the first time that a CALL research is going to be done on English language learners so it is novel in this major. A few studies about using podcast and the use of CALLinteaching listening and grammar toIranian EFL learners have beenconducted. It is anticipated that this study encourages English language teachers to use computers in languagelearning in general, and in learning English vocabularyin particular. This study also attempts to bridge the gapbetween the theoretical and practical sides of usingCALL in teaching vocabulary. Therefore, the findings of this study may befunctional for different categories of people; it mayhelp EFL curriculum designers and EFL methodologists develop teaching materials that suit various ways ofteaching and match students’ level of achievement inEnglish language in general and in vocabulary in particular. The finding of this research can be helpful for English language teachers whose students have problem with learning vocabulary and are bored by learning English vocabulary in traditional ways. Moreover, this study may helpEnglish teachersby facilitating their role as well as students byhelping them absorb and apply Englishvocabulary itemsquite easily and smoothly. There are many English learners who are looking for good English software that couldlearn English by themselves; conducting this research makes familiar the people with this software and its abilities.Even some English teachers do not know such software; it is hope that reading this thesis will familiarize t hem with the software.Finally, this study mayencourage other researchers to conduct further studieson the same topic, or maybe on other skills or sub skills of English, which will enrich both the local andinternational literature. Research question and hypothesis This study is going to answer these questions: Does Rosetta Stone English software have any statistically significant impact on Iranian EFL learners’ vocabulary learning? Does Rosetta Stone English software have any statistically significant impact on Iranian EFL learners’ delay[E4] recall? This study will focus on the following null hypotheses: Rosetta Stone English software has no statistically significant impact on Iranian EFL learners’ vocabulary learning. Rosetta Stone English software has no statistically significant impact on Iranian EFL learners’ long-term [E5]recall of vocabulary items. Definition of key terms Computer-assisted language learning (CALL): It is succinctly defined in a seminal work by Levy (1997) as the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning. CALL embraces a wide range of Information and communications technology applications and approaches to teaching and learning foreign languages, from the traditional drill-and-practice programs that characterized CALL in the 1960s and 1970s to more recent manifestations of CALL. Here by CALL it means using some software and CDs that learners use to strengthen their vocabulary skill and sometimes using some software such as English Rosetta Stone for practicing English vocabularies. Rosetta Stone English software: It is proprietary CALL software published by Rosetta Stone Inc. The software uses images, text, sound, and video to teach words and grammar by spaced repetition, without translation. Rosetta Stone calls their approach Dynamic Immersion (a term which they have trademarked). Information and Communication Technology (ICT): It is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT), but is a more specific term that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information. In this study by ICT it means the ways and activities that are related to language learning and activities that learners can do by ICT as their language learning processes. Educational Technology (ET): According to Richards and Schmidt (2010), it is 1. The use of machines and educational equipment of different stores (e.g. language and labrotaries, tape recorder, video, etc.) to assist teachers and learners. 2. A system of instruction which contains (a) an analysis of what learners need to know and be able to do (b) a description of these needs as behavioral objectives. According to Richey (2008), sometimes termed EdTech, is the study and ethical practice of facilitating e-learning, which is the learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. Delimitations of the study This study has the following limitations: This study limits its scope on lower intermediate institutes vocabulary learning. Therefore, other skills and sub skills are not concern of this study. This study will be done on Mahmoudabad lower intermediate institutes learners with their own ecological and cultural characteristics, so learners in other cities and provinces with different levels are not included. This research will study on both genders, so others researchers can limits their study on just one gender. [E1]Source? [E2]As you see in this page, you need a thorough proofreading of your thesis. I did it only for page 1. You continue with the rest. [E3]rewrite [E4]does not match hypothesis 2 [E5] does not match question 2

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Revolution of 1917: Rights of the Republic

Before the Mexican Revolution, Mexico was technically a republic as it is today, but by the time of the revolution, it was a republic in name only. In the mid-1860s, Mexico fought back against the French colonial overlords and established the country for itself, but the plan only partially succeeded.   Over the next decade, grassroots efforts across the country began to bring equality to Mexico, but instead they delivered the country into the hands of an elected dictator.   In 1876, Porfirio Diaz overthrew the sitting president, forcing him to flee the country and Diaz was named president. Once he had the position, he refused to relinquish it, crushing any who dared to oppose him. For the Mexican ruling class, the period known as Porfiriato was a time of prosperity and peace. There was enormous foreign investment in Mexico and the country was developed from a largely rural economy to a modernized, industrial nation.   Then in 1910, despite Diaz efforts to destroy any opposition Francisco Madero, an academic from one the haciendas of northern Mexico, ran against Diaz. He was immediately jailed by the president and the peasants, sick of being mistreated y the Republic, galvanized behind Madero. The election fraud that had kept Diaz in office was so extreme that officially Madero received only a few hundred votes nationally. Madero worked with church leaders in San Luis Potosi to develop a plan calling on the people of Mexico to take up arms and overthrow the Diaz government. Diaz ordered Madero arrested again and he fled to Texas where he formulated the Mexican Revolution.   Within a year, Madero was sworn in as the new president of Mexico when Diaz resigned in accordance with the Treaty of Ciudad Juarez after he routed the federalist army with the assistance of forces rallying behind Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata. Before the year was out, Madero and his vice president would be executed a military junta left in charge of the country because Madero refused to enact the property reforms that he had called for when encouraging the people to revolt.   Madero attempted to moderate between conservatives that wanted to keep the status quo and hard-line revolutionaries like the Zapatistas and in the end had no support at all. For the next six years, Mexico’s leadership was in a constant state of flux with the President Venustiano Carranza, a former revolutionary general who overthrew the previous military leader, chased out of Mexico City for two years of his presidency. Finally, he incorporated many of the extreme viewpoints of the revolutionaries in the Constitution of 1917. The constitution is the basis for the current Mexican government. One of the most important provisions of the constitution was that it forbade foreign investors from owning land in Mexico. The provision still stands. The reason for this proviso was the fact that during the Diaz presidency foreign investors owned the great majority of the land, making profits off the work of the local peasants and that Mexico’s oil fields were largely owned by foreign investors as well. Residents of Mexico wanted the income to remain within the country and nationalized all foreign-owned property. The Constitution also severely limited the power of the Catholic Church which had once been almost completely responsible for the education of people within Mexico. President Alvaro Obregon, who was elected to succeed Carranza after conspiring with those who assassinated his predecessor, tried to accommodate all factions of Mexican society including providing better education sponsored by the state instead of the Church and instituting rights for women. It was a bad time to a politician and Obregon was assassinated by a pro-Catholic gunman. That was in large part the beginning of the rebellion of the Church against the new government. The battles in Mexico continued well beyond the end of the war as the separation between Church and State was painful. Supporters of church supremacy began an uprising called â€Å"la Guerra Cristera† (the war of Christ) and estimates are that nearly a million people died in the battles. The battles between the Church and the government continued until 1929 when an end to the armed conflict was negotiated by the American ambassador. Many believe that the true end of the revolution was not until the presidency of Là ¡zaro Cà ¡rdenas, who ran the country from 1934 to 1940 and was the first president to willingly hand over the reins of the government to his successor.   In the meantime, the spiritual base of the national had been destroyed. In 1935, 17 Mexican states were left without a priest and only 334 licensed priests existed within the entire country. Forty were known to have been executed in the wars and hundreds of others fled the country. The reason: the Constitution of 1917. Under the diplomatic settlement, the anti-clerical provisions of the Constitution still stand. Among its provisions are: Article 5 outlawed monastic religious orders. Article 24 forbade public worship outside of church buildings, while Article 27 restricted religious organizations' rights to own property. Finally, Article 130 took away basic civil rights of members of the clergy: priests and religious leaders were prevented from wearing their habits, were denied the right to vote, and were not permitted to comment on public affairs in the press. The anti-clerical provisions of the Constitution are not generally enforced since World War II and the church has regained some of its prominence in the hearts of Mexicans, but not returned to prominence in Mexican politics. Other provisions of the new constitution include the right to freedom of the press, but with the caveat that after publication charges related to sedition and libel can be brought if they are warranted.   The constitution restricts where foreigners can own land, restricts who may be considered a citizen of Mexico and prohibits slavery. It also prohibits extradition of Mexican nationals who have committed crimes in other countries if that may result in the death penalty. The constitution specifically assures citizens the right to life and prohibits the death penalty.   The constitution assures the right of Mexican citizens to bear arms, but only those which have been approved by the Mexican National Army.   It is also one of the most progressive constitutions in the world with relation to worker rights. The Constitution provides that any slave brought into Mexico is immediately freed and offered equal protection under the law. Furthermore, workers are guaranteed the right to an eight-hour work day, a day of rest each work week, and a minimum wage. The Constitution prohibits people who are not Mexican by birth from holding most political offices, running the country’s airports or seaport, or being military officers. It also gives preference in hiring to Mexican nationals over foreigners applying for the same job, assuming that both are equally qualified.   Finally, it prohibits several forms of punishment commonly used in the pre-1917 government and outlaws the concept of a debtor’s prison.   Clearly, the biggest difference between the current Mexican government and the pre-1917 government is the treatment of the workers. Because it was the people, the workers who lead the Mexican revolution, the provisions of the new constitution are designed particularly to protect the rights of the worker.   Workers who rallied behind Emiliano Zapata and the other leaders of the revolution abandoned and executed their leaders when they strayed from the principles of land reform and workers right. Six full years before the November Revolution in Russia, the workers of Mexico began a war to assure that they would have the rights that they needed. The revolution was spurred by the harsh treatment of the peasants and lower class in early years and ended only after the people had their rights secured.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

It’s a Dog’s Life

Is that him? It sounds like him. I cower under the bed, and wait. It's nice under here; he can't get to me. Good, it's only the paperboy-he likes me. I run to the door, and take the paper in my mouth, he waves at me through the glass, and I jump up at the door, and bark excitedly. He barks back playfully, and I wag my tail. I wish I lived with him, a sweet, innocent little boy who would never lift a finger to hurt me. I smile and lay on the cold, tiled floor, he will be back soon. I do hope he's had a good day. I don't know if my frail old body could take much more of his harsh beatings. He used to be such a gentle, loving man, but ever since poor Sally and Marie died in a car accident, he's become cruel and nasty. A day rarely goes by without me feeling the bottom of his shoe, and that's if I'm lucky. Sometimes he goes for days without feeding me, or he'll grab me by the throat and yell in my ears, and when he's had a bad day, he'll kick me and laugh cruelly. My battered body is racked with a trembling that I cannot stop as I hear him coming. I can hear his keys rattling, I think I'll just keep out of his way for tonight. He turns the key in the lock, and kicks the door open. Seems like he's in a bad mood, I'll just stay under the bed. He's coming in the bedroom now-his face is flushed. I know with a harsh recollection of his wrath, that in a minute he'll beat me. â€Å"Dog, get your miserable body over here now, I've got some food for you,† he bellows at me. I struggle as I lift my scrawny carcass off the ground, my poor old bones ache. I lower my head and waddle over to his armchair. He pours beer over my head and hurls a can of dog food at me, it hits me on the leg and I whine in pain. I collapse on the floor, then he walks over and kicks me in the ribs. I yelp, and hear a loud voice. Surprisingly, it's not his voice. I painfully lift my head, and see a stranger standing outside the window. â€Å"Hey, Mister. You can't do that to a dog!† shouts the stranger, and pushes past the open door. He tries to run, but there is a struggle. He bangs his head on the wall and falls on the floor. The stranger walks up to me, and holds out his hands. â€Å"It's gonna be all right little fella, I'm going to take you somewhere, where a whole load of nice people will look after you and find you a decent home, I promise.† He strokes my weak head and I lick his salty palms. He carefully lifts me into the back of his car, and drives me to a big kennel, full of other dogs and cats and animals that I have never seen in my life before. A tall man with a kind face walks over to me and smiles, not a snarl of a smile or an evil grin, like he used to flash me when he hit me, but a kind smile, straight from his heart. Now I feel reassured, I know that now I'm in good hands and things are going to get better. I stayed in that nice place that I soon named ‘Doggie Heaven' for six months until I was introduced to a kind English lady, with two little girls and boy who walked me every day. I liked them so I was allowed to stay with them for a whole week. The lady and the tall RSPCA man talked, and the next thing I knew, the gentle RSPCA man was waving goodbye to me. I would miss him as well as all the other kind people, but I knew that could live a happier life without him. My thoughts were broken by the sound of a kind, gentle voice, calling my new name. â€Å"Come on, Kizzy, we're having dinner now. † It was Timmy, the little boy who would take care of me for the rest of my life. Timmy turned around to go back into the house, and I got a sudden warm feeling. I felt for the first time in a long while, that I had a home, and a family who actually cared about me. I belonged.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Ben essays

Ben essays Josiah Franklin (Bens dad) moved to America from England in 1682 with his wife and three children. After he moved to America the then had four more children with that wife and then had ten more children with Abiah (Bens mom) after his first wife died. Ben was number 15 out of seventeen children and was born on Boston on January 17, 1706. At this point is where a story about a man that started with nothing now is one of the most well none figures in American history and in world history. As a young boy Ben did not follow the same path as his other brothers that went to be apprentices for trade. Ben wanted more out of life so he went into grammar school at first to work with the church but found that writing was his passion. From there he worked for his brother, James at a printing press and signed a contract say Ben would work for him for the next eight years. Ben liked writing so much he would send in letter for the newspaper to be printed but James did not want him writing so Ben would send anonymous letters to the newspaper so his brother would not find out. One day he over heard James talking to some people about one of his anonymous letters and how the thought it was very good which made Ben very proud and fired up his urge to write more. By working at the press he had a lot of time and more resources to read from. Even though he liked to read he also knew that it was making him smarter and more knowledgeable about many new things. He started to have ma ny fights with James and eventually broke his contract and quit. At age 17 he secretly leaves home to find work and goes to New York City. After getting there he finds out that there is not any work for someone like him at that time. Because America is quite new still at the time there are many opportunities to find a job even for a young man at the age of 17. He finds out that he can work for a Printer named Andrew Bradford in Philadelphia. So he takes...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Pact essays

The Pact essays The Pact, written by Jody Picoult, was published in 1998 by William Monrow The story is about a suicide pact between two teenagers. The events of the novel take place in Bainbridge, New Hampshire, a small town in the United States. The main characters of The Pact are two seventeen-year-old teenagers, Emily Gold and Chris Harte, who have loved each other all their life. The novel tells the story of a young couple who were born and raised together, since their parents have been neighbours and friends for over 18 years. The Pact also tells the future of Chris, who is prosecuted for murder after his love was found dead in his arms, a bullet in the head. After revealing that he and Emily concluded a suicide pact, the friendship and the dreams of both families will change forever. Jodi Picoult centred her novel on the themes of love, family and relationships. The Pact shows how love can be stronger than every other feeling, and how it can sometimes urges people to do unthinkable things, even something like helping another commit suicide. Moreover, the novel demonstrates how parents sometimes think they know their children better than anybody else does, whereas it is often the opposite. Most of the time, teenagers confide themselves to their lover, and not to their parents, as shown in The Pact. Finally, The Pact shows how friendship is fragile when family is involved. Personally, I found the book The Pact very interesting. The story is not complicated to understand, which make the novel even more captivating for me, since I don't like to read. Moreover, the characters of The Pact are real people, with real concerns. For example, Emily is a teenager ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Reflect on If I could be any historical figure within the time period, Research Paper

Reflect on If I could be any historical figure within the time period, who would I be and why - Research Paper Example In essence, politics revolve around who governs what country, what government is which country and how people are governed. It is argued that, politics dictate the social and economic lives of people in varying countries (Hout 3). As such, countries with good governance or political stability are said to have good social and economic life while those with poor political governance or no stability mostly suffer from social and economic slowdown (OHCHR 3). In regard to history and world politics, I would have wanted to be Dr, Martin Luther King Jnr. in the last three centuries. Dr. King had been brought up by a religious family where his father is alleged to have a strict hand in term of discipline for him, his elder sister and the younger. Despite the involvement of the family in church and his father being a minister, Martin Luther King was reluctant to religion and at most rebellious (Fairclough 35). In mid 1950s , the King Jr began his activism on civil rights and played a hug role bringing to an end the legal segregation that had built up between the Africans – Americans in the U.S. Moreover, he managed to push for the formation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Nelson 22). In a general sense, Martin Luther King made a huge impact on the continuous segregation that was witnessed the U.S in the 1960’s. ... As a result of the bizarre bus incident and the arrest of the African American, other Africa American come together to fight against racism and elected Dr. King as their leader. This group of African American began by fight against segregation in the Montgomery Buses and soon, the Africans could no longer receive unfair treatment for the rest of the Americans (Fairclough 38). In the same year, the segregation of the bus was boycotted, fellow Americans who referred themselves as ‘whites’ were agitated by the influence that Martin Luther King had made on African Americans and they decided to raid his house with the intention of killing him. However, their mission was unsuccessful as no one was hurt during the incident. As a result of the problem that African American encounter due to segregation, they decided to push their fight a step high by coming up with Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Through the activism and leadership of Dr. King, they expanded their non v iolent battle against discrimination that had spread to every part of the U. S. It is worth mentioning that, the infamous civil rights activity facilitate by Martin Luther King Jr to place in August 1963. The activity entailed the King as the main leader and other blacks who were civil right leaders across the country held in Washington DC. The agenda of the meeting was to compel the congress to pass a bill that had been created by the then president Kennedy. Of importance to note is that the meeting was held by both white are and blacks at the Lincoln memorial. Written down as the infamous speech â€Å"I Have a Dream†, the speech gave a definition of the moral basis that revolved around civil rights movement. Indeed, the congress was convinced and the following year they

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Responsible Parties for Samuel's Death Research Paper

The Responsible Parties for Samuel's Death - Research Paper Example The elders, who passed them by, disapproved of their actions but did nothing about it. According to the first element that was responsible for Sam’s death, the lady felt too embarrassed to warn the boys of the impending danger. The lady wanted to caution them to be careful but for fear of embarrassment that they might laugh at her she said nothing. Her embarrassment is one of the chief elements that were responsible for Samuel’s death because if she had acted immediately she could have averted a tragedy. All she did was to say -â€Å"You boys will be hurt. You will be 1 killed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Paley 356). According to Paley (355) the woman was more concerned about herself and her embarrassment, than the boys. â€Å"She wasn't afraid they'd hit her, but she was afraid of embarrassment.† Regarding the second element that was responsible for Samuel’s death, the man had pulled the emergency brake with the idea of safety in his mind. However, according to the ex planation given in the story, the actions of the man could either be morally right or wrong. Never at any point did he realize what the outcome of his actions would be.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

CWE Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CWE Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example This sets the wheel in motion for others to follow. I have no bias towards Robert F. Kennedy but the quote itself is a great one stressing on thinking differently and taking risks. It tells how once can achieve great feats by thinking out of the box. Most people tend to stick to the routine or bound by conventional thinking. They are afraid to take risks and believe in new possibilities. It is only when we move away from the laid out path that we can find new lands. So it only by thinking out of the traditional mould and embracing new thinking and possibilities that we can achieve great things. Again, you cant connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life. – Steve Jobs This is one of the famous quotes from Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Speech. In this quote, Steve Jobs asks his audience to follow their heart and do what they enjoy the most. Most people fail to understand their true talents because they are too afraid to follow their instincts or guts. What you instincts say might not make much of logical sense at the moment but years down the line everything will seem to be perfect. It is only when you believe in your instincts that you will be able to live a life to your full

Monday, October 28, 2019

Better Communication Essay Example for Free

Better Communication Essay Effective communication is the key in the health care critical for health care professionals. The key foundation of any coworkers is being able to communicate clearly. With the help of effective communication people are able to define and understand goals and shear and receive the information better. When there is a lack of communication in the health care industry it can cause a poor medical care and mistakes in patent’s medical history. Therefor; clarity is a must in the health care industry. Active listening is also a part of better communication skills. The supportive and defensive communication is everywhere and lasting. In the health care environment supportive communication is appropriate then defensive communication. Supportive communication expresses encouragement and understanding when communicating with others while during defensive communication the individual feels defended, anxious or threatened. During communication as a individual becomes defensive they are less able to recognize the values and senders emotions Interpersonal communication is the interaction between two or more people. Good interpersonal communication skills are essential in the creation and maintenance of relationships with others. Dwyer (2009, p.62) explains that ‘in any context, our relationships are built through our interpersonal communication.’ Self concept, emotional intelligence, assertive behaviour, empathy and the ability to actively listen and provide feedback are all desirable interpersonal communication tools considered necessary to maintain relationships and aid in conflict resolution. Dwyer (2009, p. 152) states that ‘Conflict arises when needs are not met. Those needs can be physical, financial, social, educational, intellectual, recreational or spiritual, tangible or intangible. However, even in a situation of conflict, it is possible, by finding areas of common ground, to remove some of the differences and to emphasise the similarities while tackling the conflict and working towards the solution’. Good interpersonal communication skills help to create an understanding between persons in conflict whereby they can make common ground and have a better understanding of whe re the other party is coming from. Dwyer (2009, p. 175) explains that ‘Conflict expressed and addressed in ways that respect relationships and consider as many needs as possible is positive and constructive’. In order to achieve common ground, emphasise similarities and work towards conflict solutions, the communication climate must be positive and both parties must be willing to resolve the issue. The role of Interpersonal Communication in Conflict Resolution In order to communicate effectively with others a sound understanding of your own self concept is required. Self concept can be described as your â€Å"self image†, it is the mental picture that you have of yourself. Yahaya, Azizi, Ramli and Jamaludin (2009) explain that ‘Self-concept refers to the totality of a complex, organized, and dynamic system of Interpersonal communication is defined by Brooks and Heath (1993) as â€Å"the process by which information, meanings and feelings are shared by persons through the exchange of verbal a nd nonverbal messages (as cited in Dickson and Hargie, 2003, p.1). In order to demonstrate my understanding of effective and non-effective communication skills I have chosen to analyse a dialogue between a seasoned policeman and a hardened criminal taken from the movie Heat. It is deep and meaningful interaction between two adversaries. After much deliberation I have narrowed down my analysis to the use of rapport building, self-disclosure and empathy, verbally and non-verbally. I will also attempt to identify the barriers to communication in this dialogue and explore the reasons why these skills were used ineffectively, and suggest how they could have been improved upon. Rapport-building is defined by Robbins (1986, p. 207, as cited in Study Guide) as ‘the ability to enter someone else’s world, to make him feel that you understand him, that you have a strong common bond’ I think it is at the very core of effective interpersonal communication because it ‘is one of the most important features or characteristics of unconscious human interaction’ and without it the purpose of the interaction cannot be achieved. It is ‘commonality of perspective, being in sync, being on the same wavelength as the person with whom you ar e talking’ ( Following that line of thinking it is essential to establish rapport as soon as possible in a didactic interpersonal conversation, whatever the purpose of the discussion is – to learn, to relate, to play or to help (De Vito, p.80). The very first sentence that Hanna says demonstrates an attempt to establish rapport â€Å"Howya doing?† (he does not wait for an answer and continues talking) â€Å"Whaddaya say I buy you a cup of coffee?†. He is wearing casual jeans and a white sweatshirt. First and foremost, congratulations of your engagement. I am very excited that you chose to reach out to me for advice in understanding interpersonal communication with each other before you get married. After taking classes for interpersonal communication Nicholas Epley explained the differences this way, Our problem in communicating with friends and spouses is that we have an illusion of insight. Getting close to someone appears to create the illusion of understanding more than actual understanding† (2011 para. 8). There are a lot of books that one could read but in all actuality a successful relationship is based on the two people entering the communion and realizing that marriages take hard work and dedica tion, no matter how easy it looks. I will advise you on how to mold the following steps such as learning your role in the marriage, actively listening, opening up to your partner about your feelings, and choosing your words wisely into your everyday life which can produce a successful relationship; all this and effective communication is completely up to you. My first major topic for you to always remember is that you must listen to your partner. You probably find yourself asking over and over are you paying attention to me. Did you hear anything that I said? Do not fret over that because every person in a relationship has asked the same question. You may not like what he or she has to say but to have a positive relationship you must listen actively, critically, and empathically. Now please allow me to explain to you what I mean by those terms. Kathy Sole tells us that listening is important to the conversation because it creates meaning between both people (2011). When you want to have an in depth conversation with your spouse, you need to eliminate all noise, make eye contact, actively listen means to truly think about what you hear. Critically listening ties into actively listening because you understand what your spouse Assertiveness Assertiveness is a simple skill that requires a lot of practice to perfect. Basically, assertiveness requires us to speak our minds, to do so in such a way that the meaning of our communication is clear. Hopefully our expressed wish is acknowledged, but this is not necessary for us to be assertive. To achieve assertive communication, we have to state what is in our minds; that is, our thoughts and feelings. Advanced assertiveness is when we ask for what we want regardless of whether the recipient understands what we communicate, and regardless of whether or not we get what we want. Complete assertiveness requires both levels intellectual and emotional communication. The workplace presents both a challenge and potentially some relief when it comes to being assertive. On the one hand, we work with others, usually often, so there is some sense of familiarity. Yet, we do not live with them. There is a certain built-in interpersonal distance. With acquaintances at work, the challenge is to ask for what we want or at least state our opinion, more or less at intellectual, pragmatic levels. We tend to leave out the personal side, because our relationships are not that personal. From this standpoint, assertiveness is easier because there are less personal consequences. We can state our case and others likely will not take our message so personally. This is truer if the issue at hand is small. It is also more likely to be true of communications among co-workers of equal status. If there are other good elements; that is, more interpersonal warmth, bonding and empathy, talking to the boss can be assertively successful. But we need some slightly deeper personal connection to the boss to make this work, to grease the wheels of information exchange. The workpl ace presents a challenge to being more interpersonally intimate with co-workers who may not really be so friendly. The same is true with bosses that have different levels of power. An Interpersonal relationship in the health care environment is based off the relationship between the people you work with, such as the staff, patients, and doctor. Your interpersonal relationship between you, the coworker, and patients is very important and crucial within the health care environment, you must be able to â€Å"treat your clients with respect†, â€Å"do not be rude or ever shout at them†, never disclose any type of information about a patient to a client†, and â€Å"have feelings for the patients† (2004)(1.3.8). In order for the patients to feel comfortable you must treat them with a certain level of respect and make them feel as comfortable as possible, such as have close relationship with all the patients and staff. For example ask how their day is going, or give them positive feedback about any questions they might have or need help with so he or she is always satisfied with the service. Your â€Å"perspective† in the health care industry is very important and crucial to your coworkers and clients, and you always want to provide them with the best â€Å"quality of care†. Next, a supportive relationship rather than a defensive relationship in the health care environment is more appropriate, and I say this because to be defensive with the coworkers, patients or staff will make that person feel â€Å"uncomfortable†, :†guilty†, or even hostile. On the other hand, a supportive relationship is something you want to have with the clients, staff, and patients because you always want to be able to support them with positive feedback, such as are â€Å"supportive† when a patient asks for advice or a particular type of treatment show â€Å"recognition†, â€Å"acknowledgement†, and â€Å"endorsement†. Supportive is more of a positive feedback and defensive is negative feedback, and defensive or negative feedback is som ething you do not want to happen, you always want to remain supportive, positive, and assertive with people at all times. Assertive style and its appropriateness in health care†the preferred Course Hero has millions of student submitted documents similar to the one below including study guides, practice problems, reference materials, practice exams, textbook help and tutor support. communication1 Interpersonal Interpersonal Communication in your Relationship Christy Fobert COM 200 Instructor Youngs 6/22/11 Interpersonal communication2 Dear Jason and Amber, I am writing in response to your request asking for some advice on interpersonal communication in your relationship. As you know my husband and I have been attending classes that help with communication in relationships. We also believe we can give you some dire advice based on our own personal experience since we have six years behind us. Being a newly engaged couple and asking for advice before marriage lets us know you are both serious in committing to one another. This also makes it seem you are both committed to keeping your relationship alive and well. The best advice I can give you is to keep your communication alive and well. In this letter I will give you some advice on the concepts of good interpersonal communication. I will explain what we have been learning in our classes and also what I can explain to how we have experienced this in our relationship. The first basic but important skill to communication is listening. Listening to each other shows that you both respect one another and care about what the other is saying. There are three important types of listening and they are: active, critical, and empathetic. The first skill that we will discuss pertaining to the listening is actively listening. Active listening is assertive communication that develops a sense of trust. In my personal relationship letting your spouse know that you are listening lets them feel important and build trust within your relationship. Actively listening in your communication will allow you to build trust because of the openness that it builds. Openness within active listening makes your spouse feel a Effective communication in healthcare is essential to deliver good patient care. When delegating tasks to co-workers, one needs to be clear and precise. When people have a full understanding of what their job is, they will perform better and patients will g et better outcomes. Without effective communication we are setting up our fellow co-workers for failure and our patients as well. Effective communication is necessary to convey the importance of instructions and task to co-workers so they can fully understand the importance of their task and the steps necessary to manage the task. Effective communication is also necessary to be able to understand what our patients are telling us, and how to better listen and relate to them. Rashad is attending the team meeting and is being assertive in trying to clarify his role as assistive personnel. He is showing that the nurses would be able to rely on him to help with their patients during the shift for hygienic care and toileting. He is using an assertive form of communication with speaking up during the meeting. This assertiveness is quickly shot down by the aggressive communication of RN, Robin. Her comments of calling Rashad only an aide is belittling and then stating that those cares are the role of a RN farther the belittling. Robin continues to say that Rashad is not expected to think but to do as told is not uplifting at all and developed into feelings of resentment. These feelings are expressed in Rashad’s new goal; of developing a plan to make Robin pay for her comments. Robin’s comments established a tone of superiority and dominance as she shows her expectations that only the nurses know how to think and that the aides should be more like robots to her commands. This aggressive style of communication hurts others and is used to set someone up to overpower Interpersonal communication is the type of communication that people use to communicate their ideas, thoughts, ideas and feelings to one another person. In Interpersonal Communication, you are dependent upon another person for the communication to be effective. With that being said I thought that I would have great interpersonal communication skills but sadly I do not. I thought I that I would have great interpersonal communication skills because most of the time I can tell how a person is feeling, try to understand how they feel, and what is driving them to feel that way. That is the reason why I wanted to become a social worker but I am glad that I am taking this class to understand my interpersonal communication skills better. I never really thought of interpersonal communication skills as being as important as they are. Whether we like it or not interpersonal communication a key skill for personal and professional relationships. What you say and what you dont say both carry a lot of weight in communication. Having effective interpersonal communication means that you use both of these forms to your advantage and remain aware of your behavior throughout a conversation. With that being said there are three key points that I feel that I need to do a great deal of improvement on and they are overcoming my fear to speak, my eye contact, and being aware of my adaptors that I use and how I use them. The first thing I feel that would help my interpersonal communication skills is to overcome my fear to talk people that I do not know. I have to overcome this fear because if not I will never be able to become the great social worker that I can become. I feel that a great way for me to overcome this fear is by talking to strangers at work. By not saying anything or acknowledging my co-worker that I do not know is not sending a message good message to them. If I want to have effective interpersonal communication, I have to get Effective communication is important for psychological well-being for a number of reasons. Communication allows conveying our needs and feelings to others, as well as to respond to and respect the needs of others. Social supports are an important factor to decrease anxiety and depression. Communication helps to develop significant relationships with friends and family, as well as with romantic partners. Developing skills that allow communication between people t hat we trust allows for expression of emotions, as well as the ability to get feedback and support. Three very important skills are needed for communication. They are assertiveness, conversational or verbal communication skills and nonverbal communication skills. Two attitudes are important in developing communication skills that are effective. These skills are being proactive and thinking win/win. Proactive means taking responsibility for your life. A person can choose to be happy and successful. In the win/win situation, society has labeled life as either a clear winner or a loser. In business, the goal is to provide the best service or product to maximize profits and beat the competition. This plays a major role in why society thinks that in interpersonal interactions it too is a game in which there is a clear winner and loser. A mature and confident way to approach human reactions is thinking win/win. This approach allows for both parties to succeed and achieve goals. Being assertive is one of my greatest assets. I have learned that a closed mouth will never get fed. When being assertive it is not necessary to raise our voice or shout at other people. Being threatening is not assertive either. Many people confuse aggression with assertion. Being assertive allows speaking in normal tones, respecting personal distance and the ability to state opinions needs or wants.