Saturday, August 3, 2019

Rosenberg :: essays research papers

September 28, 1915: Ethel Greenglass Rosenberg born March 1917: The Russian Revolution begins 1917: Espionage Act that the Rosenbergs are convicted of violating is enacted May 12, 1918: Julius Rosenberg born 1929: Communist Party of the United States is founded Early 1930's: Julius Rosenberg is member of Young Communist League; campaigns for Scottsboro Boys 1934: Julius Rosenberg enters City College of New York; is involved in radical politics Summer 1939: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg married December 7, 1941: United States enters World War II after the attack on Pearl Harbor 1942: Julius Rosenberg becomes member of U. S. Signal Corps 1943: Rosenbergs cease open activities with Communist Party; Daily Worker subscription stops 1943: Soviet spymaster Feklisov first meets with Julius Rosenberg July 1944: David Greenglass chosen to work on the Manhattan Project November 1944: Julius Rosenberg recruits aid of Greenglasses in obtaining information about the Manhattan Project December 1944: Julius Rosenberg provides Soviets with a proximity fuse January 1945: David Greenglass provides his own notes and a sketch of a high-explosive lens from the Manhattan Project June 1945: Harry Gold meets with Greenglass in Albuqurque July 16, 1945: United States explodes first Atom bomb at Alamogordo, New Mexico August 6, 1945: United States drops Atom bomb at Hiroshima September 2, 1945: World War II ends with the Japanese surrender September, 1945: Greenglass meets with Rosenberg while on forlough in New York 1945: Julius Rosenberg is dismissed from U. S. Signal Corps 1946: Feklisov meets with Julius Rosenberg for the last time Late 1946: The Verona Code is broken 1947: Rosenberg's machine shop business fails June 30, 1948: Max Elitcher and Morton Sobell drive to Catherine Slip where Sobell met with Julius Rosenberg to exchange microfilm August 28, 1949: Soviets detonate their first Atom bomb January 21, 1950: Alger Hiss convicted of perjury in denying that he passed secret documents to Communist agent Whittaker Chambers February 2, 1950: Klaus Fuchs arrested March 1950: Julius Rosenberg warns Greenglass to flee country May 1950: Rosenberg asks his physician about what kind of shots are necessary for trip to Mexico May 22, 1950: Harry Gold confesses to the FBI May or June 1950: Rosenbergs visit a photographer to obtain passport photos June 15, 1950: David Greenglass names Julius as the man who recruited him to spy for the Soviet Union June 16, 1950: Julius Rosenberg is first interviewed by FBI; Joel Barr disappears in Paris June 30, 1950: United States forces engage in the Korean War

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