Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Relationship Between John Proctor and Elizabeth in Arthur Millers

The Relationship Between John Proctor and Elizabeth in Arthur Miller's The Crucible The Crucible was written by Arthur Miller in 1952. It gives an insight into the terror of the Salem witch trials of 1692. Many innocent people were accused of witchcraft; plotting against God, killing people by using magic, taking over a person's mind and binding with the Devil. These were very religious times and any little hiccup in one's behaviour can give reason that one has been taking part in witchcraft. For example, John Proctor occasionally ploughs his field on a Sunday which is not strictly correct Christian behaviour and leads the prosecutors to think that Proctor is linked with the Devil. The Crucible is also a metaphor for McCarthyism in America in the 1950s. Many American people were questioned because they were suspected of being an, 'Un-American', or threatening the safety of the state. This questioning soon turned into a modern day witch-hunt. If anyone even criticised the government they were worthy to be questioned. In both cases the policy, 'guilty until proven innocent' seemed to apply, completely opposite to the justice system of today. In the beginning of Act II there is definite tension between Proctor and Elizabeth. Elizabeth's first line when she sees Proctor is, 'What keeps you so late? It's almost dark.' She does not greet him with warmth and love but with a hint of suspicion aroused from Proctor's recent affair with Abigail Williams. As the conversation carries on Elizabeth is very controlled with what she says. For example, Proctor says to her, 'Are you well today?' and she replies, 'I am.' It seems quite unnatural an... ... can't bring himself to confess to lies and when he heads off to be executed he exchanges a passionate kiss with Elizabeth. It shows the build up of emotion and an audience can see the strong love between the two of them. If you were to only see an extract from Act II you would think that Elizabeth and Proctor were an unloving and broken couple. But now their interactions are completely different, they show love, need and compassion for each other. The final line, said by Elizabeth, is, 'He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him.' She knows he is a good man and that he is doing the right thing for himself. Although they have to part, at least their relationship has been healed and Proctor can die knowing that Elizabeth loves him and has forgiven him; and Elizabeth knows that Proctor still loves her.

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