Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Clueless Essay - 1369 Words

â€Å"How has Amy Heckerling used film techniques to portray the transformation of ‘Cher’ in her film, ‘Clueless’?† In the hit film of 1995 -Clueless, director Amy Heckerling effectively uses film techniques to further portray the deep meaning of the story. The film tells the story of a selfish teenage girl who transforms into a responsible woman. In the beginning of the story, the main protagonist, Cher, is depicted as a narrow-minded, extravagant teenager. Heckerling uses vivid colour and extremity to show Cher’s unique characteristics. For her own interests, Cher begins to help others but begins to find more than just her own outcomes in the process. The director uses indirect actions to show the change in Cher’s character. At the end of†¦show more content†¦Cher successfully changed her poor school results by convincing her teachers she deserved better grades. This aspect of her personality shows her father’s influence, his profession –litigation. Also, Cher’s naà ¯vetà © is well demonstrated in this quote – â€Å"Isn’t my house a cl assic; the columns date all the way back to 1972†. The director, Heckerling, brilliantly extracted Cher’s character using film and studio techniques. Being one of America’s most recognised film directors, Amy Heckerling used clever film techniques to show the character of the main protagonist, Cher Horowitz. Throughout the beginning of the film, Cher is dressed in brightly-coloured designer clothes which make her stand out from the rest of the characters; dressed in bland, dark-coloured simple clothing. This technique perfectly showed how different Cher was to other people; Cher thought she was a ‘typical’ teenager and this is contradicted using this technique in the film. Also, Cher’s life is shown to the public as being ‘perfect’; she lives in a mansion, drives an expensive Jeep, wears designer clothes and is popular. In Clueless, the director has put an emphasis on the mise-en-scà ¨ne. The mise-en-scà ¨ne has been used to show what is going on in Cher’s mind and also to show her peculiarity. In one scene, when Cher’s father, Mel, has clients working at his house franticall y, Cher is in a timeShow MoreRelatedThe Connection Between Clueless and Emma Essay594 Words   |  3 PagesThe Connection Between Clueless and Emma A valuable connection can be made be made between Jane Austens Emma and Amy Heckerlings Clueless although fashion, customs, society and language differ between the two. The connection is made through the plot, characters and inevitable human nature. The themes of vanity, rank, status and gossip link the two medias and create a valuable linkage in relating the 19th century life with the contemporary world. Fashion is constantlyRead MoreComparative Analysis Between Emma and Clueless Essay1801 Words   |  8 Pagesunderstanding of societal values and attitudes present in the texts. 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