Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Staffing and Recruitment

Question: Identify and analyze the challenges in staffing, especially with regards to personnel selection practices. Identify the best approaches to successful recruitment? Answer: Introduction For keeping a pace with the current competitive environment, strategic recruitment is gaining importance in the organization for its effectiveness and efficiencies (Shafique,2012). This assignment will be discussing on the challenges that the organizations face while staffing on the basis of personal selection process and the approaches to recruit successfully. Challenges in staffing with regards to personnel selection practices In the recent years, the number of people getting graduated has increased to a considerable rate. The numbers of graduates, post graduates are increasing which is becoming a challenge to the selection process of the organization (Claus Wehner et al. 2012). Now days youngsters have a changed attitude towards work life and value their freedom. They tend to gather information quickly through the help of internet. Approaches to successful recruitment Internet Recruiting- This is an effective method of recruitment since it is easier, most effective, and efficient and can handle a large of qualified candidates at a time with fast and measurable results (Groutage,2010). Internal Recruitment- This can be done through job posting, job bidding and employee referrals (Shafique,2012). This is also an effective method of recruitment since the candidates are received faster and managers can formulate fast decisions on recruitment. External recruitment- This recruitment is done from high school, vocational schools, community colleges, universities, colleges and etc (Claus Wehner et al. 2012). This method helps in bringing fresh ideas and skills from outside that can be an added advantage to the work group. Conclusion Through this assignment, we learned about the internal, external and internet recruitment. Moreover, we also had seen that higher education and attitude of youngsters has created a challenge to the staffing process. Reference List Journals Shafique,O. (2012)Recruitment in the 21st Century, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research In Business, 4(2), pp. 887- 901 Groutage,M. (2010) The Basics of Internet Recruiting, Journal of Applied Psychology, 78(13), pp. 845856 Claus Wehner, M., Giardini, A. and Kabst, R. (2012) Graduates' reactions to recruitment process outsourcing: A scenario-based study,Human Resource Management, 51(4), pp.601-623

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